Thursday Feb. 21
TWO events occurring in the SAME building - different times
NOTE the times:
Cycling at 5:30 pm
Multi-use Trail Community Consultation at 7:00 pm
Also - a map is worth a thousand words!
See attached map for proposed trail routes between the Fort Garry Bridge and
Pembina Hwy.
* 5:30 pm *
Southwest Commuter Cycling Stewardship Group
DATE: Thursday, February 21st
TIME: 5:30 pm
LOCATION: Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School, Agassiz
26 Agassiz Drive
GOAL: Examine the southwest area of Winnipeg and develop a map of
suggested cycling infrastructure in order to provide feedback to the City of
Winnipeg's Active Transportation Advisory Committee.
Do you have an opinion on how to make cycling in Southwest Winnipeg better /
safer / more convenient to your destinations?
To connect with local cyclists and contribute to ongoing initiatives in
Southwest Winnipeg - see:
* 7:00 pm *
COMMUNITY CONSULTATION RE: Multi - Use Trail Location between Fort Garry
Bridge & Pembina Hwy
DATE: Thursday, February 21st
TIME: 7:00 pm
LOCATION: Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School, Agassiz
26 Agassiz Drive
The Winnipeg Trails Association, City of Winnipeg & partners are holding a
'Community Consultation'
to discuss the potential locations of a multi use trail between Fort Garry
Bridge and Pembina Hwy.
This is a section of the Trans Canada Trail which offers potential linkages
and partnerships with
Bishop Grandin Greenway Inc's ongoing greenway development.
UPDATE on Fort Garry Bridge Closure / Rehab
Impact on pedestrian and cyclist routing will also be presented.
City of Winnipeg
Province of Manitoba
Government of Canada
Manitoba Hydro
Winnipeg Trails Association
Bishop Grandin Greenway
An opportunity for questions, comments & discussions with project partners
will follow the presentation
Consultation organized by:
Winnipeg Trails Association, Janice Lukes, Coordinator
<> jlukes(a)
City of Winnipeg, Public Works
Janice Lukes
Winnipeg Trails Coordinator
Winnipeg Trails Association
202 - One Forks Market Road
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4L9
Cell (204) 952-4222
Fax (204) 943-7915
<> jlukes(a)
Hi all -
please pass this around to any of your contacts who may be interested.
Great 'get active, consultative & educational' events on Winnipeg trails !
LaSalle River Hike in St. Norbert
Join the Prairie Pathfinders and hike along the La Salle River, see the site
of the new Duff Roblin Provincial Park Reserve and travel through Winnipeg's
newest City park - Pollock Island.
Hike is followed by a hearty DeLuca's lunch and update on Winnipeg Trails
and the Duff Roblin Provincial Park Reserve trails, fishing facilities,
picnic, tobogganing areas and other amenities.
DATE: Saturday Feb. 16th
TIME: 10:00 Registration ~ 9 km hike
MEET: St. Norbert Catholic Church, 80 St. Pierre Ave.
LUNCH & Park Update: 12:00 - a hearty DeLuca's lunch with desserts and
REGISTRATION: $21.00 <> (Registration Deadline - Feb. 14th)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Walk in the Footsteps of Louis Riel - Celebrate Manitoba's New Holiday!
Join the Prairie Pathfinder for another 'Hike through History'.
This 3-5 km walk winds through historic points in scenic central St.
Highlights include trails along the Seine River, and past Gabrielle Roy's
House, the Basilica, and into St. Boniface Cemetery
where 'Theater in the Cemetery' actors will perform a short skit near Riel's
final resting place.
A short guided tour through St. Boniface Museum and complimentary pastries
will be served to hikers.
DATE: Monday Feb. 18th
TIME: 10:00am
MEET: Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain, 340 Provencher Blvd.
REGISTRATION: Admission is FREE but registration is required at
<> prairepathfinders(a)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RE: Trail Location between Fort Garry Bridge & Pembina Hwy
DATE: Thursday, February 21st
TIME: 5:30 pm
LOCATION: Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School, Agassiz
26 Agassiz Drive
The Winnipeg Trails Association, City of Winnipeg & partners are holding a
'Community Consultation'
to discuss the potential locations of a multi use trail between Fort Garry
Bridge and Pembina Hwy.
This is a section of the Trans Canada Trail which offers potential linkages
and partnerships with
Bishop Grandin Greenway Inc's ongoing greenway development.
UPDATE on Fort Garry Bridge Closure / Rehab
Impact on pedestrian and cyclist routing will also be presented.
City of Winnipeg
Province of Manitoba
Government of Canada
Manitoba Hydro
Winnipeg Trails Association
Bishop Grandin Greenway
An opportunity for questions, comments & discussions with project partners
will follow the presentation
Consultation organized by:
Winnipeg Trails Association, Janice Lukes, Coordinator
<> jlukes(a)
City of Winnipeg, Public Works
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A Shared Vision
Linking community and governments vision for a Walkable and Bikeable
DATE: Wednesday, February 27th
TIME: 6:30 pm registration, 7:00 presentation
MEET: The Forks Atrium (inside The Forks Market beside the viewing tower
RSVP: beth(a) 925-3772
Space is limited to MAX. 100 people - REGISTER SOON!
Please join us for an interactive evening with internationally renowned
speaker Gil Peñalosa. Gil will highlight his experiences working with
communities and elected officials to develop a shared vision for active
transportation in the development of healthy and vibrant communities.
Multicultural executive, global thinker and marketing strategist, Gil
Peñalosa is passionate about improving quality of life through the promotion
of walking and bicycling. Gil earned an MBA from UCLAs Management School,
and after years of private and public sector senior managerial experience,
he became Commissioner of Parks, Sport and Recreation for the City of Bogotá
(pop. 7m), Colombia, where he led the team redeveloping and building over
200 parks. He was also successful in closing 91 kilometres of the city roads
each Sunday, the Ciclovia, where over 1.5 million people come out weekly
to walk, run, skate and bike. Watch a video of Gil's work:
<> Gil is Executive Director of
the non-profit Walk & Bike for Life in Port Credit, Ontario, and believes
trails are great equalizers, where every person has a sense of belonging, of
being "equal" as a human being, and where everyone can go regardless of
gender, age and economic, social or ethnic background.
Organized by:
Winnipeg Trails Association & the Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba
Gil Peñalosa sponsored by:
Recreation Connections Manitoba
City of Winnipeg, Parks and Open Spaces Division
Manitoba in motion
Refreshments sponsored by:
Resource Conservation Manitoba
Location sponsored by:
The Forks
Janice Lukes
Winnipeg Trails Coordinator
Winnipeg Trails Association
202 One Forks Market Road
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4L9
Cell (204) 952-4222
Fax (204) 943-7915
<> jlukes(a)
Jane's Walk comes to Winnipeg!
Jane's Walk is a series of free neighbourhood walking tours, offered by interested locals (like you) who share their passion for their neighbourhoods to interested participants. The walks are named after Jane Jacobs, noted urbanist, writer and activist, who had always encouraged people to get to know their city by getting out and walking. This is one way to promote her ideas and legacy around walkable, sustainable, compact and diverse cities.
Jane's Walk took place last year in Toronto and New York, and is expanding this year to Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver and Winnipeg. The walks will take place on the weekend of May 3 & 4, 2008.
If you are interested in being part of Jane's Walk in Winnipeg, join us at the EcoCentre boardroom on Friday, Feb. 15 from 12:00-1:30 p.m. (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave). Please RSVP to beth(a) so we know approximately how many people to expect.
This is a fun opportunity to promote our mutual goals of getting people out walking, discovering their neighbourhood and thinking about smart growth in their cities. For background information, attached is a brief overview of Jane's Walk or check out the website:
Green Commuting Initiatives
Resource Conservation Manitoba
(204) 925-3772
From: Mike Tutthill []
Sent: January-28-08 3:51 PM
Subject: MHLRC E-Newsletter
January 28th, 2008 - Issue 1
100-6 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB | R3L 0K6 | t: 204.949.2001 | f: 204.284.2404 | e: contact(a) | w:
Welcome to the first issue of the Manitoba Healthy Living Resource Clearinghouse's monthly e-newsletter.
The Manitoba Healthy Living Resource Clearinghouse (HRLC) works to enhance capacity for the delivery of healthy living initiatives.
If you are receiving this e-newsletter you have been identified as an individual or organization promoting healthy living.
The success of our newsletter depends on the contributions of people and organizations across Manitoba. Please contact us if you would like to:
· promote an event;
· share a community capacity building resource or tool;
· be added or removed from the e-newsletter mailing list;
· include a volunteer or employment opportunity in the e-newsletter; or
· promote a call for proposals.
Learning Opportunities
Around Manitoba
Canadian Diabetes Association - Dauphin Diabetes Expo - February 23rd
Swan River
Canadian Diabetes Association - Coffee with the Experts - Presentation, February 2nd
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy - New HIPC Procedures - Presentation, February 6th
Canadian Diabetes Association - Preventing Type 2 Diabetes - Presentations, to March 26th
Recreation Connections Manitoba - Annual Provincial Conference - February 27th - 29th
Manitoba Lung Association - Not-On-Tobacco Facilitator Training - February 7th
Volunteer Manitoba - Board Development Series - Workshop, February 4th - March 17th
Volunteer Manitoba - New Income Tax Issues Affecting Charities - Workshop, March 12th
Volunteer Manitoba - Becoming Diversity Friendly - Workshop, March 4th
Manitoba Food Charter - Growing Local Conference - March 7th - 8th
IMPACT - Injury Free Manitoba Conference - June 2nd - 3rd
Throughout Manitoba
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba - Education, Courses - Ongoing
Manitoba Fitness Council - Fitness Instructor Training Courses - Ongoing
Volunteer Manitoba - Program Planning & Evaluation - Distance Education, TBA
2008 Governor General's Leadership Conference - June 6th - 20th
CFLRI - 2008 Physical Activity for Public Health Course - September 29th - October 2nd
University of Guelph - Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference - June 9th - 11th
Community Health Networks (CHNET-Works!) - Fireside Chats - Presentations, Ongoing
Canadian Recreation Facility Council - National Arena Symposium - Conference, May 2nd - 4th
ICOH - Psychosocial Factors at Work - Conference, September 1st - 4th
HPSS - Health Promotion Summer School - June 23rd - 25th
CHSPR - Evidence Soup for the Policy Maker's Soul - Conference, March 4th - 5th
Teaching Games for Understanding - Conference - May 14th - 17th
Funding Opportunities
inMotion Communities
Institute of Aboriginal People's Health
Manitoba Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport
Neighbourhood Renewal Fund
Reh-Fit Centre Foundation - Healthy Living Awards - February 22nd nominations close
Health Promotion - February
Heart Month
White Cane Week
Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day
Calendar of Health Promotion Days - 2008
Please send us your photos of healthy living in your community. We are in the process of updating our website to better reflect our partners in the community and would like to have photos of Manitoba community initiatives. Please ensure that you have the permission of people in the photos. Thanks in advance for your contributions.
Do you have any comments or questions for improving our E-Newsletter? Please contact us, we would really appreciate your feedback.
Manitoba Healthy Living Resource Clearinghouse
100-6 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB | R3L 0K6 | t: 204.949.2001 | f: 204.284.2404 | e: contact(a) | w:
Mike Tutthill
Information and Access Coordinator
Manitoba Healthy Living Resource Clearinghouse
100-6 Donald Street
Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K6
tel: 204.949.2002
fax: 204.284.2404
email: mtutthill(a)
Hi all:
At the last PN2008 Conference planning meeting we decided that the public
event to be held on Thursday, July 17th should focus on sustainable
transportation issues. We are currently fundraising and should have a some
funding to bring in a speaker or two, but we thought these would be a good
forums to solicit suggestions. Any ideas would be appreciated!
More information about the conference can be found at:
We will be posting additional information soon, including the list of mobile
workshops (that we hope will mostly rely on AT and public transit).
Richard Milgrom
Assistant Professor
Department of City Planning
Faculty of Architecture
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2
phone: 204.474.6868
fax: 204.474.7532
email: milgrom(a)